Commission Artwork
Would you like to have a custom oil painting of your "fur Baby?"
I provide commissioned oil paintings to all the art lovers out there who want a special
gift for themselves or a loved one.
Please CONTACT ME if you have any questions about the paiting process.
Oil Paintings
Rosie Oil Painting | Rosie Original Photo | Rosie Framed |
Rosie Underpainting | Rosie Underpainting | Rosie Oil painting_Before After |
My oil paintings are painted with quality grade paints, mediums and professional canvases. The Oil paints have a high level of pigmentation which provides good covering power and tinting strength. Your painting will be protected from elements such as dust and light with a varnish. I take great care during the entire process so your painting will hopefully last a life time.
Oil paintings come in a variety of sizes:
11x14 16x20 20x24 24x24 24x48 24x30 30x40 and up
Pricing is based on the size of the painting and the number of subjects. Most are $ 160 and up.
Process for Oil Paintings:
1. I will Review your photo to make sure it is high quality and provides enough details
2. An "underpainting" is made first, I will take a photo and sent it to you via email for review. It will have a watermark. This is to show you how the shadows and highlights will look and the layout of the painting.
* Drying Time is one full week before the first oil paint layer can be added *
3. First layer of Oil paint is added
* Drying time is one full week before the second Oil paint layer can be added *
4 A Preview will be sent to you vial email with a watermark on it before the next layer is added. This is where you can make any "subtle" changes ( if they can be made) before the final layer. Once the final layer is added, the painting cannot be changed.
5. final layer of Oil paint is added. This is the detailed layer.
* Drying time is 1-4 weeks *
6. Varnish layer is added to protect the painting from dust and light damage.
* Drying time is 1-2 hours *
7. Painting, when completely dry to the touch, will be packaged and shipped to you. Shipping times will vary depending on your location.
8. Enjoy your beautiful painting !!